Market America Agent Portal

We have detected that you are using a older version of Internet Explorer that we do not support. This site supports Internet Explorer 7 or newer. You can get the latest version of Internet Explorer here.

To access your ma Agent Portal, please follow the steps below:

  • 1. Log into your Unfranchise Business Account via your Market America Web Portal.

  • 2. Click on the navigation link which says "maCapital Resources".

  • 3. This should log you directly into your ma Agent Portal, provided you are an active agent.

  • 4. If you have difficulties logging in from your UnFranchise Business Account, please call Market America Computer Support at 336-605-0040.

Log In To ma Agent Portal


*ma Agent Portal only supports the following browsers: Firefox 3.0.4+, Internet Explorer 7+. If you are not using one of the browsers/versions listed, please download Internet Explorer, Firefox, or upgrade your existing browser.